What Is The Benzodiazepine Rehab Success Rate?

What Is The Benzodiazepine Rehab Success Rate?

When it comes to the success rate of rehab, there’s no fixed number since there are many factors affecting it. After completing rehab, the patient will go back to normal life and will be exposed to triggers again.

If the person’s foundation of treatment is weak, he will be easily drawn to triggers, and relapse will occur. But this won’t be the case if the person has undergone comprehensive treatment for Benzodiazepine addiction.

Let’s get to know more about the effectiveness of rehab in treating patients under the influence of a substance.

What’s The Chance Of Getting A Relapse After Treatment?

On average, the percentage of patients having a relapse after treatment is around 20 to 40 percent. The risk is higher when the patient is exposed again to the root cause of one’s addiction.

Compared to those who have not enrolled in rehab, those that are treated have a higher chance of maintaining sobriety for life. Around 25 to 40 percent of patients completing their rehab have stayed sober for a year. One can be sober for life if he is dedicated to staying away from triggers and people that are drinking and can influence him to abuse drugs again.

You can tell if a rehab program is effective if the patient has a long gap between relapses. This tells you that the patient’s new behavior is better than before he was treated. One can even strengthen his sobriety by being with good influence.

Benzodiazepine Rehab

Type of Treatment Programs Affect Recovery Rate

It has been observed that patients who have stayed longer in treatment were able to stay sober for more than a year. The longer you are immersed in treatment, the stronger the foundation of recovery. Your mind and body are re-oriented inside the facility in a way that you can resist the temptation of abusing substances.

To further add, the kind of treatment also makes a huge impact on the success rate of rehab.

12-Step Program

Patients enrolled in the 12-step program showed a success rate of 5 to 10 percent. This program was made by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and is used by many rehab centers in reshaping the lives of people under the influence of substances.

The basic concept of the 12-step program is peer support. It is natural and effective for people to give support to their co-patients in helping them recover.

Outpatient Rehab

The success rate of outpatient rehab is between 12 to 18 percent. When we say outpatient, you will have some flexibility in your treatment program. You will be allowed to be in your house, yet you need to go to your scheduled appointments for counseling and medication.

The risk of outpatient is if the patient doesn’t diligently do his responsibilities as a patient. This will compromise his recovery from Benzodiazepine addiction.

Inpatient Rehab

Patients who have undergone intensive inpatient treatment showed a recovery rate of 21 to 40 percent. You can expect a higher success rate for inpatients since there is medical supervision during the entire rehab process.

Starting from consultation to detox, and the rest of the treatment procedures, you will be supervised by a trained professional. This is to ensure your safety from any life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

Residential Rehab

For this program, the success rate is between 50 to 80 percent. The reason why this program is effective is that it incorporates community and peer support. Even after completing your rehab, it’s still best if you have a slow transition back to your normal life. This is to prevent the patient from getting shocked about the current happenings in society, and for them to still have time to prove their sobriety.

A residential rehab has a homey environment with 24-hour medical assistance from nurses and doctors. Different interventions will be applied to each patient depending on their condition. The overall program takes a holistic approach to address recovery. This means treating the mind, body, and social aspects of the patient.

Benzodiazepine Rehab

What Are The Factors Influencing Rehab Success Rate?

On average, around half of the population of patients enrolling in rehab are the only ones that complete it. The other half who have not completed their treatment will continue unless they quit. There are a lot of factors affecting the success rate of treatment, let’s see them below:

  • The length of the treatment process
  • The kind of substance abused
  • Support from family and friends
  • Education attainment: Those that have a higher educational degree were found to recover faster, or have a higher success rate than those who have a lower education background.
  • Work background
  • Current conditions of their mind and body

What Happens After Rehab?

Finishing rehab is a huge accomplishment. Not all will have the stamina to endure the pressure and commitment of getting treated. You will be deprived of your daily comforts before going into rehab, yet that’s for your good.

Discipline and retraining yourself are one of the main goals of rehab. But if you finish your rehab program, what happens next? On most occasions, going to sober living houses is recommended as a smooth transition to normal life.

Inside the sober living house, you will be with good people who have undergone treatment as well. They know what you feel and think, so they can better support and guide you. It will be a mutual understanding of all the people inside the sober living house.

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