Is Cocaine Rehab Effective

Is Cocaine Rehab Effective

Yes, rehab is effective especially when coupled with post-rehab care. There is no definite way to measure the effectiveness of rehab, although rehab centers can present figures of people who completed their treatment and those who have stayed sober after treatment. These details are supported by internal studies and alumni interviews.

With about 40,000 deaths caused by substance addiction in the United States each year, there is no better way of finding a solution to the problem than with treatment. Nowadays, addiction has been considered a mental health condition that needs medical care just like any other chronic disease such as hypertension and diabetes.

Is Cocaine Rehab Necessary?

Yes, it is necessary especially since Cocaine is a potent substance that can be easily habit-forming. By attempting to quit using the drug, you will suffer from withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings that can lead you to use the drug again. This makes quitting so hard to do without medical care.

With prolonged use, your body will be capable of tolerating certain doses and will crave more. In the long run, you will find yourself intoxicated by the substance and you will see how it will start negatively affecting your health, your behavior, and eventually, your relationship with your loved ones, your work, and your overall life.

What Are The Health Risks Of Using Cocaine?

Cocaine RehabUsing Cocaine will deprive you of good health and a good life. Classified as a Schedule II controlled drug, using Cocaine poses numerous health risks that can be serious.

First, Cocaine tends to elevate vital body functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate. With heavy use, the drug can impair the body’s cardio-respiratory system, and cause other related illnesses such as heart attack and hypertension.

Second, it manipulates the way the brain works. It may heighten energy levels and focus at a time but in the long run, it will cause defects in memory and cognitive process. It can even cause the brain to shrink and even age prematurely.

Third, it is a culprit for the development of mood disorders. Episodes of panic attacks, anxiety and depression, and even paranoia are likely to happen with prolonged use of the drug.  It can even cause violent behaviors at some point.

Lastly, Cocaine abuse has led to drug overdose, coma, and death. It has also been the cause of an increased contraction of infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Drug injections have contributed to this result.

When Should Cocaine Rehab Start?

Cocaine RehabRehab should start as soon as possible. When you have tried to stop taking the drug, but you found yourself going back to its use, then it is time to plan your treatment. The first step is to seek the help of an addiction specialist and have your condition diagnosed. Once you identify the level of your addiction, you can decide which treatment suits your needs.

It is important to seek medical advice when you go through the process of planning your treatment. Since Cocaine abuse results in experiencing withdrawal symptoms as you quit, it will not be helpful if you manage your withdrawal by yourself. Oftentimes, quitting without medical care leads to relapse.

If this is the case, it may only add up to your frustration and cause you to feel incapable of overcoming addiction. With professional help, you will be provided with the right medical support that values your safety and your comfort. Prescriptions can be given to reduce your pain and you will be constantly checked to avoid health complications.

Most likely, withdrawal from Cocaine can last for at least a week. However, some symptoms may continue to persist depending on the level of your substance addiction. Once you get through this phase, you can progress to therapy sessions which will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

With your openness during treatment, you will surely be on your way to recovering soon.

How Is Cocaine Addiction Treated?

Treatment must target both the physical and psychological well-being of a person. It may be necessary to assess all factors that contribute to substance abuse such as family history, environmental and social factors, and overall health condition. The following help address these concerns.

Treatment facilities

Choosing the right treatment facility is important to meaningfully address the needs of your condition. Individuals diagnosed with severe addiction are recommended inpatient treatment so that they can focus full-time on their treatment.

Encountering daily stressors in life can make them vulnerable in dealing with their triggers and cause them to relapse. This is the reason why outpatient treatment may not be suitable for their status.

Most treatment programs are ideally expected to last for at least 90 days. While the minimum length of treatment is 30 days, most experts agree that this may not be enough to sustain recovery for long.

Behavioral treatment

Cocaine RehabThis centers on the value of therapy sessions in shaping behaviors that allow one to independently protect themselves from invitations of substance abuse. This is considered the heart of addiction treatment.

Your openness and cooperation during these sessions are highly essential to your progress. Some people may find this as a struggle and this can be a factor to prolong their treatment.


There are no FDA-approved medications for Cocaine addiction. However, prescriptions can be given for specific symptoms such as depression, insomnia, and many more. The best way to boost physical health during treatment is through proper diet and exercise. These are always incorporated into every treatment plan for Cocaine abuse.

Alternative therapy

Alternative therapy involves activities that can be a great source of new hobbies or interests or fill a daily routine with fun and entertainment. Choices can vary among arts, music, sports, and even physical and mental exercises.

Specialized treatment

This refers to a type of treatment that attends to co-occurring disorders, both physical and mental health illnesses. This is a special type of care that may only be available in certain treatment facilities.

These methods help a patient recover from addiction mentally and physically. The different areas affected by substance abuse are being worked on as you undergo treatment. This makes rehab treatment effective for anyone who wants to recover from addiction.

If you want to talk to an addiction specialist, feel free to reach out to us today. We can help you prepare and plan for your treatment.

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