What Can You Expect In Valium Detox

What Can You Expect In Valium Detox

When you intend to detox Valium, you must prepare yourself for the challenges that go with the process. Every person has a different response when detox happens. Some may get through it with ease while others may struggle with distress.

Several factors can affect the intensity of your detox experience. How long and how much you use the drug proportionally impacts the length and degree of your withdrawal.

How Does Valium Detox Work

Valium DetoxThe body will experience withdrawal symptoms as soon as the drug is flushed out of the system. When it is taken as prescribed, the symptoms may not be as severe as those who have abused it for personal consumption.

Valium, which is medically used for the treatment of anxiety disorder as well as restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms, and insomnia, acts on certain chemicals in the brain to produce feelings of relief.

When taken for about three to six weeks, the drug influences physical dependence on the person and this can lead to an addiction with excessive use. Most people find pleasure in taking the drug in conjunction with alcohol and opioids to reach an intense level of high.

Habitual abuse of the drug may let you establish tolerance for certain doses. You will begin to crave higher amounts as days go by. Giving in to these cravings constantly can intoxicate your body severely and the risk for overdose is high.

If you survive this phase, detoxing might be another hurdle to take a huge leap on. With intoxication in the body, natural receptors shut down and when detox resumes, the brain suffers from chaos and induces physical and psychological withdrawal pain.

What Are The Detox Symptoms Of Valium

Detox symptoms typically encompass physical and psychological health. One distinct aspect of detoxing Valium is the possibility of experiencing life-threatening conditions especially when the treatment is not medically supervised.

The following are the symptoms that occur when you begin your detox treatment for Valium:

Physical symptoms

Valium DetoxDetoxing can cause you to experience headaches and muscle pain. It may also affect your gastrointestinal function by making you experience stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea.

You may oftentimes find yourself extremely tense. Detox can trigger episodes of palpitations, tremors, extreme sweating, and seizures. Blurred vision and ringing in the ears may also persist. Other conditions include nausea, dizziness, and insomnia.

Detoxing can also take a toll on your memory and concentration. It can affect your mood by making you feel irritable or restless most of the time.

Psychological symptoms

As a medication for anxiety, Valium may commonly cause rebound anxiety during detox. This is a state where your anxieties become stronger than your usual episodes. To prevent this, you should avoid sudden cessation of the drug.

Depression is also another psychological symptom during detox. One of the signs of depression includes isolation from people and even things which usually is a source of joy. This condition must not be neglected and requires immediate treatment.

Depersonalization, hallucinations, and delusions are also major psychological concerns that occur during detox. Medical attention is also necessary when these things manifest.

Life-threatening symptoms

Grand mal seizure is having seizures that last for up to five minutes or even one to three minutes. This is an extremely rare case during withdrawal, however, it can happen especially to those with a history of polysubstance abuse. This condition can lead to coma and death.

How To Overcome Valium Detox

The best way to overcome detox is to seek medical guidance during treatment. Doctors are experts in managing withdrawal. They can help you reduce your discomfort and prevent you from experiencing a relapse.

Several treatment options can help you overcome the detox phase. But before you make a choice, you have to first consult your physician and have the level of your drug dependence assessed.

This is a necessary step since some treatment options may not work suitably for severe cases such as the following:

  • Physically vulnerable individuals such as old people and pregnant women
  • People who have pre-existing physical and mental health illnesses
  • People with severe substance use disorder and have engaged in poly-substance abuse

Choosing the right treatment for any of these cases is crucial since health complications may arise in the middle of the process which is why constant medical attention is necessary for their care.

The following are the treatment options you can consider to overcome the detox phase:

Detox Centers

They offer services necessary for detox alone. Further treatment such as individual and group therapies can be done outside their care.

Inpatient Rehab

Valium DetoxThis includes in-house services among patients. This type of care is what best suits those identified under severe cases. Their separation from their usual life is beneficial to make them focus on treatment and be away from specific triggers for addiction.

Outpatient Rehab

This may work among those with mild to moderate substance use disorder only. Treatment sessions may range from 1-2 hours or 4-5 hours each week in outpatient clinics. Patients may go on with their usual day after their treatment sessions.

Partial Hospitalization

This is not far different from outpatient rehab except that treatment is quite more intensive. Patients must take about 4 to 6 hours of treatment each day, and then return to their usual day.

What Happens During Treatment

You will be given a taper schedule for your detox. This is the only way to limit the degree of withdrawal symptoms you will likely experience during the process. With gradual tapering, your body will have enough time to adjust to the chemical changes happening in your system.

You will also be prescribed medications. This is what aids you in your withdrawal discomfort. Detoxing is not about the strength of will or physical strength. The boost that medications bring is essential to let your body cope with the strain that substance use disorder has caused in your system.

As soon as your disposition becomes more manageable, you have to engage in therapy sessions to meaningfully help you walk your way to recovery.

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